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early rice 早稻。


As has been demonstrated by the data in tables 1 , 3 , 5 and 6 , the total average yields of two rice crops have reached 15 , 482 kg / ha ( 7 , 937 kg / ha on early rice and 7 , 545 kg / ha on late rice ) at shaoxing and 14 , 876 kg / ha ( 5 , 943 and 8 , 942 kg / ha on early and late rice respectively at fuyang , the yields have touched or almost close to the yield target required for triple cropping of - “ project of 15 ton grain yield per hectare “ which is carrying out in the province 表1 、 3 、 5 、 6中數據顯示,兩季水稻總平均產量在紹興已達到15 , 482公斤/公頃(早稻7939 ,晚稻7545公斤/公頃) ,在富陽已達到14 , 876公斤/公頃(早稻5943 ,晚稻8942公斤/公頃) ,該產量已達到或接近浙江省推行的噸糧田計劃中三季稻的產量目標。

Three methods , namely , community species composition similarity analysis , community composition similarity analysis , and community characteristic similarity analysis , were employed to study the similarity of insect pest - natural enemy communities of three rice types ( early rice , middle - season rice and late rice ) and their three development stages ( tilling stage , boot stage and milk stage ) in the yangtze - huaihe region of anhui province 摘要采用群落種組成相似性分析、群落組成相似性分析和群落特征相似性分析3種方法,研究了安徽江淮地區早稻、中稻、晚稻3種稻型及分蘗、孕穗、乳熟3個生育期害蟲天敵群落的相似性。

The investigation of summer migration of rice water weevil lissorhoptrus oryzophilus kuschel in double cropping rice area of zhejiang province in 1994 and 1995 indicated that the main cause of its always low population density in second generation is that most of the adults of first generation emigrated from early rice fields for summer and winter hibernation 研究表明,浙江省雙季稻區稻水象甲二代蟲量低的首要原因是絕大部分一代成蟲遷出早稻田夏蟄并越冬,構成二代蟲源的比例極微。

So in order to get good response for hybrid early rice , potassium fertilizer should be applied at early stage , attention should also be paid to middle stage ; for hybrid late rice , k supply in seedling stage and tillering stage should be paid more attention , at middle - late stage certain amount of k should be supplied according to k nutrition 因此為了使雜交早稻有更好的反應,鉀肥應在早期施用,中期也應重視鉀;對雜交晚稻來說,在苗期和分蘗期應格外注意施鉀,在中后期也應根據鉀營養狀況施用一定量鉀。

Abstract : the investigation of summer migration of rice water weevil lissorhoptrus oryzophilus kuschel in double cropping rice area of zhejiang province in 1994 and 1995 indicated that the main cause of its always low population density in second generation is that most of the adults of first generation emigrated from early rice fields for summer and winter hibernation 文摘:研究表明,浙江省雙季稻區稻水象甲二代蟲量低的首要原因是絕大部分一代成蟲遷出早稻田夏蟄并越冬,構成二代蟲源的比例極微。

As was proven by the experiment , the average harvest indexes were 0 . 62 for early rice and 0 . 61 for late rice respectively at shaoxing , while 0 . 57 and 0 . 55 for fuyang , this means that a similar rice yield at fuyang would require larger amount of total dry matter production than at shaoxing 試驗證明,紹興早稻和晚稻的平均收獲指數分別為0 . 62和0 . 61 ,富陽的分別為0 . 57和0 . 55 ,這意味著同樣的水稻產量在富陽需要比在紹興更大數量的干物質生產。

Comparing with early rice k uptake at seedling and maximum tillering stage in late rice was obviously higher , while k uptake at full heading and ripe stage was lower , so for potassium fertilization of early rice , we should pay attention to both early stage and middle stage 與早稻相比,晚稻在苗期和最大分蘗期明顯較高,而齊穗期和成熟期吸鉀較低,所以對早稻施鉀來說,我們應注重早期和中期施用。

Field experiments were conducted at shaoxing and fuyang , zhejiang province , using split - split plot design on early rice and split plot design on late rice respectively , to identify the roles of variety , fertilizer and plant population in achieving higher yield 早稻采用裂區-裂區試驗設計和晚稻采用裂區試驗設計的大田試驗在浙江省紹興和富陽進行,以檢驗品種、肥料和植株密度在取得高產中的作用。

The most important factors affected crop yield and economics in these experiments were : rape : population density ; early rice : interaction of p k ; late rice : rate of nitrogen application ; wheat : variety ; midrice . interaction of n k 這些試驗中影響作物產量最重要的因素是:油菜:種植密度;早稻:磷鉀交互作用;晚稻:氮肥施用量;小麥:品種;中稻:氮鉀交互作用。

It was found that potassium uptake in seedling stage for late rice was higher than for early rice , the former occupied 7 . 5 % of total k uptake , the latter only occupied 0 . 3 % , the same situation was observed at maximum tillering stage 已發現苗期晚稻吸鉀量高于早稻,晚稻占吸鉀總量的7 . 5 % ,早稻僅占0 . 3 % ,最大分蘗期也觀察到同樣的情形。

3 . the investigation about the planting area of main crops in taizhou region indicated that the area for planting early rice rapidly declined , at the same time , the cash crops expanded 3 、通過對臺州市幾種主要作物種植面積的變化調查,表明在經濟作物發展的同時,早稻種植面積下降的比較快。

In the experiments , soil drainage method was used at shaoxing and deep water method at fuyang for early rice , and soil drainage method was adopted at both sites for late rice 早稻試驗在紹興采用土壤排水,而在富陽采用深厚水層方法,晚稻試驗兩地都用土壤排水方法。

But in full panicle stage , k uptake of late rice was less than that of early rice , this situation was obviously related to weather 但在齊穗期晚稻吸鉀低于早稻,這一情況明顯與氣候有關。

For instance , table 1 and figure 1 present data for two production functions , one for early rice and one for late rice 例如圖1和表1的數據表示兩個生產函數,一個是早稻,一個是晚稻。

The highest early rice yield in this experiment was 5874 . 8kg / ha and lower than the general yield in common years 試驗早稻最高產量為5874 . 8公斤/公頃,比平常年份普通產量要低。

The early rice experiment was in split - split plot design with 3 3 2 for variety fertilizer plant population 早稻試驗采用裂區-裂區設計3 3 2布置品種肥料密度。

During early rice growth period , the temperature was from low to high , while it was opposite for late rice 在早稻生育期,溫度由低到高,而晚稻的情況與此相反。

A study on the effects of several kinds of fertilizer used to the whole plough layer on high quality early rice 優質早稻不同類型肥料全層施用效應的研究

For this pattern early rice and late rice in summer , cash crops in winter were mainly planted 這種模式以夏季早稻、晚稻,冬季一季經濟作物為主。